Differences between 10 sets of look alike animals
Differences between Butterflies and Moths
Butterflies and Moths are very similar insects and belong to the order Lepidoptera under the class Insecta under the phylum Arthropoda. Many actually think that moths are butterflies. Well, here are their differences:
- You're most likely to find butterflies during the day because butterflies are diurnal which means they're more active in the day. Moths however are nocturnal meaning they're more active at night so you're most likely to find moths at night.
- Butterflies are colorful and have beautiful patterns in their wings but Moths mostly have faded patterns and are mostly white, black and grey.
- When at rest, butterflies stretch their wings horizontally or vertically but moths fold their wings so their abdomen is fully covered.
- The antennae of butterfly is club-shaped, meaning that it's straight from the bottom but swelled at the top but for moth, the antennae is feathery.
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Butterflies and moths |
Differences between Crocodiles and Alligators
How do you know that you saw an Alligator yesterday? What makes you feel it was not a Crocodile? Well, here are the differences between Alligators and Crocodiles:
- The snout (mouth part) of a crocodile is pointed from the body, it is v-shaped. The snout of an alligator is wide, it is u-shaped.
- Alligators in the world can only be found in some parts of USA and China however, crocodiles can be found worldwide so if you aren't in the US or China, you're most likely to see crocodiles.
- When their mouth is closed, the teeth of Alligators are hidden but the teeth of Crocodile are not fully covered
- Crocodiles are generally larger in size and longer than Alligators
- Crocodiles are more aggressive than alligators
- Crocodiles prefer to live in saline water while Alligators prefer fresh water like swamps
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Crocodiles and alligators |
Differences between Toads and Frogs
Toads and frogs are both amphibians. They both start their life-cycles as tadpoles and they look alike in almost every way. How can you differentiate both?
- Habitat: Although they both hatched and started their life in water, toads (when matured) live in land but frogs continue to live in/around water
- Skin: The skin of frogs is wet, smooth and slimy but that of toads is bumpy, dry and rough.
- Limbs: They both hop but the limbs of Frogs are structured better for hopping because it is stronger and looks thicker
- Eyes: The eyes of frogs bulge out more than the eyes of toads
- Eggs: Toads lay their eggs connected to each other like they're in long chain but frogs lay their eggs connected to each other in a cluster-form
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Frogs and Toads |
Differences between Tigers, Jaguars, Panthers, Leopards, Cheetahs, etc
They're all cats and we love them. Although, lion is also a cat, it is unique can easily be identified. Let's learn the differences between the big cats:- Panthers: Just so you know, there isn't an animal species called panther. "Panther" as a term refers to the melanin (fully black) version of big cats like jaguars, leopards, etc. That's how we got "Black Panther"
- Tigers: They're the largest of the cats. They don't have spots in their body, they have stripes instead. They can be found in Asia. They're solitary. Tigers love swimming and even have webbed paws.
- Cheetahs: They can be found in the plains of Africa. Cheetahs are the fastest land animals in the world, they're good climbers as well. The best way to identify cheetahs is the tear-mark in their face. The tear-mark is like a black line (like tears) connecting their eyes to mouth.
- Jaguars: They can be found in central and southern America and they're the biggest cats in their habitats. They're good swimmers and love water. Jaguars, unlike Tigers, have spots on their fur. These spots called rosettes have holes in their middle.
- Leopards: They're the smallest of the big cats in their habitat. They can be found in Africa and Asia. They also have rosettes both theirs is smaller and sometimes have no space in the middle. They're excellent swimmers but don't like water.
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Clockwise from top left: tiger, jaguar, cheetah and leopard |
Do you know that is unfair to call lions the kings of the jungle? Here's the reason why: 5 wrong animal stereotypes that will make you rethink nature
Differences between Sponges and Corals
They can mostly be found in the same places, they're both animals and both look like plants. Here are some differences between sponges and corals:
- They aren't in the same phylum. Sponges are in Phylum Porifera while corals are in phylum Cnideria.
- Sponges are more primitive than corals. Corals are related to more complex animals like sea anemones, jellyfishes, etc.
- Sponges feed and excrete through cells in their wall that aid in diffusion. Corals however, gain nutrition through a relationship with plants like algae
- Sponges are generally soft in texture but corals can be soft or hard
- Sponges have pores and large openings which help in diffusion.
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Corals |
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Sponges |
Differences between Ants and Termites
Both ants and termites are mistaken for the same insects. Very few people care to know their differences because they're both feared and hated for causing harm. Is that really true? Here's their differences:
- Although they're both in phylum Arthropoda and class Insecta, ants are in order Hymenoptera and family Formicidae while termites are in order Isoptera and can be found in several families
- Ants are scavengers (meaning they search for food). They may live in decaying wood or other materials but they don't eat them. They send their workers to go search for food. Termites however, eats plant tissues, wood and almost anything so termites are actually the destructive species.
- Wings: Not all of their species have wings. You can identify winged termites through their long and uniform wings (all their wings are the same in size). Winged ants can be identified through their wings almost the size of their body while some are smaller than the others.
- Antennae: The antennae of ants is elbowed while that of termites is blunt (almost straight).
- The waist of ants is thin so it creates a visible segmentation between the thorax and abdomen but Termites have an almost uniform body.
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Ants and termites |
Differences between Bees, Wasps and Hornets
They're all stringing insects and we don't want to get close to any of them. How can you differentiate a bee from a wasp or from a hornet? Keep reading:
- Bees: They appear fuzzy because of the many hairs in their body. Their nest which is usually big is called a beehive and it is made from wax. Bees produce honey and store it in their honeycomb. If they sting an animal, their stinger remains in the body of that animal so they may likely die. They will only sting when they feel threatened. Bees pollinate flowers.
- Wasps: They can easily be identified by their sharp yellow and black rings coloration. They have a thin and long waist so their abdomen is distanced from their thorax. They make their nest through chewing wood to make it soft and building it in a corner. They can sting more than once and even lay eggs on their preys (humans aren't their preys). Only the females sting.
- Hornets: They're not so different from wasps. They're generally larger, are white with black rings. Hornets and wasps are carnivorous and can sting multiple times.
Differences between Goats, Sheep and Rams
People love calling themselves sheep and hate it when they're called goats. Not all sheep have wool so how can they differentiate goats from sheep? What about rams?
- Rams: They're simply male sheep, identified by their testicles.
- Fur: Sheep can have wool or hair but goats have just hairs.
- Tail: They can easily be identified by their tails, Sheep tail bends downward but goats tail bends upwards.
- Beards: Sheep don't have beards but goats do.
- Horns: Most sheep lack horns but goats have horns.
- Odor: When male goats mature, they emit a very sharp and distinctive smell.
Differences between Monkeys, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, etc
Just like humans, they're all primates. Excluding monkeys they're all apes. Wait what? Monkeys aren't apes? Why? How? here are the ways to identify these animals- Monkeys: Monkeys have tails but apes don't. Monkeys are usually small and very active. Baboons are monkeys. Monkeys can be found worldwide except Antarctica
- Apes: Apes don't have tails, they are more developed, have larger brains and closer to humans than monkeys. Apes includes chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, etc. How do we identify them?
- Gorillas: They look strong and heavy. They're actually the largest primates. They are covered with hair ranging from black to reddish black. The older the males get, the more grey the hair color on their back becomes. Adult males are known as silver backs. They can be found in Africa
- Chimpanzees: They're the most social apes so whenever you see one, there are great chances of others being around. They're mostly on ground an move by knuckle walking. Their arms are usually longer than their legs.
- Orangutans: They can mostly be found in trees. They have large cheeks. They are mostly solitary. They have a dark reddish hair.
Differences between Turtles and Tortoises
They're both reptiles and have a shell. Both animals are shy in nature. People often use their names interchangeably. Well, they're different animals and here are their differences:
- Habitat: Tortoises dwell on land but turtles live in water most of the times.
- Tortoises are mostly found in Africa and Asia but turtles are mostly found in Africa and America
- Shell: The shell of tortoises bulges out and looks like a dome but that of turtles is streamlined for easy movement in water
- Feeding: Tortoises are mostly herbivorous but turtles are omnivorous.
- Limbs: The forelimbs of turtles are straight and almost flat (streamlined) for easy swimming but the limbs of tortoises are generally thick and bent.
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Tortoises and turtles |
Differences between venomous and non-venomous snakes
Do you know the differences between venomous and non-venomous snakes? Learn these differences by reading an older article here in this blog. Read the article here: Know the differences between venomous and non venomous snakes
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- https://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/mysteries/butterflymoth.html
- https://owlcation.com/stem/Whats-the-difference-between-alligators-and-crocodiles
- https://www.cbc.ca/kidscbc2/the-feed/seven-ways-to-spot-the-difference-between-a-frog-and-a-toad
- https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/12/animals-big-cats-jaguars-leopards/
- http://findfunfacts.appspot.com/animals_plants/sponge.html
- https://www.doyourownpestcontrol.com/diff.htm
- https://australianmuseum.net.au/learn/animals/insects/what-are-the-differences-between-ants-and-termites/
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/45194754
- https://www.gov.mb.ca/housing/pubs/pests/bees.pdf
- https://www.wideopenpets.com/tell-difference-sheep-goat/
- https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-differences-between-sheep-lamb-goat-ram-and-mutton
- https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-tell-the-difference-between-apes-baboons-chimpanzees-gorillas-and-monkeys
- https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/whats-the-difference-between-apes-and-monkeys
- http://www.centerforgreatapes.org/treatment-apes/about-apes/
- https://www.diffen.com/difference/Tortoise_vs_Turtle
- http://www3.canisius.edu/~grandem/butterflylifecycle/The_Lifecycle_of_a_Butterfly_print.html
- https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/tiger
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheetah
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopard
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar
- https://www.diffen.com/difference/Corals_vs_Sponges
- http://www.spongeguide.org/
- https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sponge
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